
3 & 4 year olds 

Director: Betty Peterson
Secretary: Stephanie Lynch

Cubbies meets in Early Childhood Room 
church map


Boys & Girls: 
  • must be potty trained 
  • must be 3 years old by Sept. 1
Parents must be involved

The Awana Cubbies Club is a place for parents and kids to learn and grow in God's unending love, strength, and support. 3 and 4 year olds need help at home and in Club. Parents, you should know what your kids are learning so you can help your Cubbie grow &  know what is expected for Club each week. Awana is a volunteer program and we need you on Thursday night. 2-3 parents are required each week to stay with our Cubbies. These can be the same parents all year, or a rotating schedule (whether weekly, monthly, etc) Unfortunately, without parents, the Cubbies will be cancelled for the night.
Your Cubbie will meet in the auditorium at 6:25 and check in with the Cubbie Director or Secretary. They will join the whole club in the Opening Ceremonies. Cubbies will start with the Bear Hug Brochure. Once the Bear Hug is completed Cubbies will receive their vest and book for the year.

For More Info about Cubbies
Info about the Cubbie Curriculum